CSS :: General Agriculture

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411.  Most inhibitory effects of high auxin concentration are due to formation of excessive amount of:
A. CO2 B. Ethylene
C. Methane D. HCN

412.  Most serious disease of pea is:
A. Early blight B. Powdery mildew
C. Late blight D. Anthracnose

413.  Motile zoospores are the chief characters of the subdivision:
A. Zygomycotina B. Basidiomycotina
C. Mastigomycotina D. Deuteromycotina

414.  Movements of a plant organ in response to directional fluxes or gradients in environmental stimuli are called:
A. Nastic movement B. Epinasty
C. Mutation D. Tropism

415.  Movements whose direction is determined by the morphology of the plant are called:
A. Hastic movement B. Hyponasty
C. Epinasty D. Mutation

416.  Flooding of soil grown plant show:
A. Enhancement of phosphorous in shoots B. Promotes ion accumulation by shoots
C. Depression in N & K in shoots D. All of the above

417.  MPP (Marginal Physical Product) of a variable input is negative in:
A. I stage B. II stage
C. III stage D. II & III stage

418.  Which of the following is more suitable for control of Phalaris minor in wheat field?
A. Sulpho-sulphuran B. Pendimethalin
C. Isoproturon D. Methabenzthiazuron

419.  Mulberry silkworm is:
A. Bombyx mori B. Philosamia ricini
C. Antheraea spp D. None of above

420.  Mulching is an importnt agricultural practice. One of the chief aim of this practice is to:
A. Decrease the evaporation of moisture from the soil B. Prevent insect pests from attacking plants
C. Provide support for the plant D. Encourage the plant to grow taller

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