CSS :: General Agriculture

For students in search of

  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
31.  A combination of horticultural crops, field crops and tree species is called:
A. Agro-forestry B. Silvi-pastoral system
C. Multipurpose forest tree plantation system D. None of the above

32.  A combine cultivation of trees and grasses is referred to as:
A. Aqua silviculture B. Agroforestry
C. Silvopastoral D. Silviculture

33.  A conference at which the views of several experts are given, one after another, it seldom provides time for general discussion it refers to:
A. Symposium B. Panel Discussion
C. Seminar D. Forums

34.  A copping system where arable crops are grown in the inter spaces between rows of planted trees:
A. Relay cropping B. Mixed cropping
C. Inter cropping D. Alley cropping

35.  A cotton boll damaged by spotted boll worm (Earias spp) may be distinguished from that infested by pink bollworm. (Pectinophora gossypiella) is showing:
A. Internal rottening with no outer opening B. A prominent hole with excreta at the opening
C. Presence of boll worm predators D. None of the above

36.  A demonstration, which shows the value or worth of the new practice:
A. Result Demonstration B. Method Demonstration
C. Whole Plot Demonstration D. National Demonstration

37.  A duck on average lays _____ than of a hen in a year:
A. 30-40 eggs lesser B. 20-30 eggs more
C. 30-40 eggs more D. At par

38.  A form of low pruning to about 2 m up the stem:
A. Zero prunning B. Brashing
C. Pollarding D. None of the above

39.  A perfect competitive market is where:
A. Large firms B. One firms
C. Less firms D. Two firms

40.  A photosynthetic unit consists:
A. 1000 light harvesting chlorophyll molecules B. 800 light harvesting chlorophyll molecules and trapping centre
C. 200 light harvesting chlorophyll molecules D. About 400 light harvesting chlorophyll molecules and trapping center

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