CSS :: General Agriculture

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  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
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  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
341.  Incompatibility can be:
A. Heteromorphic B. Homomorphic
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above type

342.  Which of the following seed rate of TPS is recommended for planting one-hectare area?
A. 150g B. 250g
C. 350g D. 450g

343.  Which of the following particle in soil is considered finest?
A. Gravel B. Clay
C. Sand D. Silt

344.  Hen and chicken' disease of grape is due to:
A. Copper deficiency B. Boron deficiency
C. Iron deficiency D. Zinc deficiency

345.  Inter cropping of mustard with potato is recommended in:
A. Replacement series B. Additive series
C. Replacement cum Additive series D. None of the above

346.  Interculture in groundnut is avoided at:
A. Flowering stage B. Seedling stage
C. Pegging stage D. None of these

347.  Intima is absent in:
A. Oesophagous B. Proventriculus
C. Crop D. Ventriculus

348.  Introduced material can be utilized by:
A. Releasing directly as a variety B. Using it in hybridization
C. Keeping it as a germplasm D. All of above methods

349.  Irrigations in gram are recommended at:
A. Early flowering and maturity stages B. Late flowering and maturity stages
C. Early flowering and pod formation stages D. Before flowering and pod formation stages

350.  Isolation depends upon:
A. The nature of material to be protected by isolation B. The nature of contaminant
C. The direction and speed of the prevailing winds D. All of the above factors

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