CSS :: General Agriculture

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  • Hydroponic Gardening
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  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
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331.  In sugarcane breeding the initial selection after hybridisation is done in the generation:
A. F0 B. F1
C. F2 D. F6

332.  In the digestive system of non-ruminant herbivores cellulose (present in plant material) is digested in:
A. Caecum-colon B. Duodenum
C. Stomach D. Jejunum

333.  In the digestive tract of poultry food is crushed and around in:
A. Caeca B. Gizzard
C. Proventriculus D. Crop

334.  In the presence of C2, fixation of CO2 takes place in:
A. Chloroplasts only B. Peroxisomes only
C. Mitochondria only D. Chloroplasts, peroxiisomes and mitochondria

335.  Which of the following statements is correct regarding transpiration?
A. It creats suction force and help in the ascent of sap B. It affects the diffusion pressure deficit
C. It maintains the temperature for the leaves D. All of the above

336.  In which crop the use of Blue Green Algae as a bio-fertilizer will be most useful?
A. Maize B. Potato
C. Rice D. Sugarcane

337.  In which of the following method of vegetative propagation plant part is usually detached before rooting:
A. Suckers B. Runners
C. Layers D. Corms

338.  In which of the following plants, fruits are formed inside the soil?
A. Solanium tuberosum B. Raphanus sativus
C. Arachis hypogaea D. Beta vulgaris

339.  In which of the following fruits, are botanically called as Hesperidium:
A. Jack fruit B. Orange
C. Litchi D. Apple

340.  In which of the plot design the number of replications equals the number of varieties:
A. In systematic design B. Randomized block design
C. Latin square design D. None of the above

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