CSS :: General Agriculture

For students in search of

  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
311.  In cows the first organ of the foetus that appears out of the reproductive tract of the mother under normal parturition is:
A. Hind limbs B. Fore limb
C. Head D. Tail

312.  In cucurbitaceous crops most serious pest at flowering and fruiting stage is:
A. Red pumpkin beetle B. Jassids
C. White grub D. Fruit fly

313.  In dry lands which cropping system is becoming popular?
A. Sequential B. Inter cropping
C. Multiple cropping D. Relay cropping

314.  In factor-factor relationship level of output is:
A. Assumed B. Given
C. Forecasted D. Suggested

315.  In gastrointestinal tract of poultry gastric guice is secreted in:
A. Crop B. Proventriculus
C. Gizzard D. Caeca

316.  Which one is not correctly matched?
A. Ginger - Rhizome B. Carlic - Bulb
C. Potato - Tuber D. Sweet potato - Stolon

317.  In honeybees, hind legs are modified into:
A. Foragial B. Natatorial
C. Saltatoriald D. Scansorial

318.  Which one is not a tool of farm management?
A. Farm Planning B. Farm Budgeting
C. Production and Cost Functions D. Farm Book Keeping

319.  Which one is non-acid farming fertilizer?
A. Urea B. Ammonium sulphate
C. Calcium ammonium nitrate D. Single super phosphate

320.  Which one is an essential element for plant growth?
A. Aluminium B. Barium
C. Sodium D. Chlorine

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