CSS :: General Agriculture
For students in search of
- Hydroponic Gardening
Guides - Basics to Experts level
Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
301. |
If the soils contain 110 to 280 kg K2O/ha then soils are said ______ in this regard. |
Answer: Option C
302. |
If the Substitution Ratio is less than the Price Ratio, then the cost: |
A. |
Remains the same |
B. |
Increases |
C. |
Decreases |
D. |
None of the above |
Answer: Option B
303. |
Immobilization of sulphur takes place when the 'S' content of orgnaic matter is less than: |
Answer: Option D
304. |
Importance of fruits and vegetables in human diet is primarily because they are: |
A. |
Good source of carbohydrates |
B. |
Good source of proteins |
C. |
Good source of fats |
D. |
Good source of vitamins and minerals |
Answer: Option D
305. |
Important achievements of plant breeding are: |
A. |
Production of dwarf cereal varieties |
B. |
Production of hybrid varieties |
C. |
Development of disease and pest resistance varieties |
D. |
All of the above |
Answer: Option D
306. |
In AB blood group of human being, the genes A and B show: |
A. |
Dominance |
B. |
Epitasis |
C. |
Linkage |
D. |
Co-dominance |
Answer: Option B
307. |
In an apomictic plant: |
A. |
Heterosis is increased |
B. |
Heterosis is fixed |
C. |
Heterosis is reduced |
D. |
Heterosis is eliminating |
Answer: Option B
308. |
In C3 plants the CO2 compensation point is usually ______ than it is in C4 plants: |
A. |
Equal |
B. |
More |
C. |
Less |
D. |
None of the above |
Answer: Option B
309. |
In C4 plants the initial acceptor of CO2 is: |
A. |
Phosphoenol pyruvic acid |
B. |
Rubulose 1 - 5 biphosphate |
C. |
Both (a) and (b) |
D. |
None of above |
Answer: Option A
310. |
In case of mungbean seed: |
A. |
The amount of carbohydrate is higher than that of protein |
B. |
The amount of protein is higher than that of carbohydrte |
C. |
Protein and carbohydrate are present in equal proportion |
D. |
There is no carbohydrate |
Answer: Option A
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