CSS :: General Agriculture

For students in search of

  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
21.  "Kranz" anatomy of leaf is found in:
A. Sugarcane B. Sunflower
C. Soyabean D. Potato

22.  1 nm is equal to:
A. 10-8 cm B. 10-9 m
C. 10-10 m D. None of the above

23.  2n + 1 state is refered to as:
A. Monosomy B. Trisomy
C. Tetrasomy D. Nullisomy

24.  Nitrogen is applied into transplanted rice in the proportion of:
A. 50% at basal + Nil at tillering + 50% at panicle emergence stage B. Nil at basal + 50% at tillering 50% at panicle emergence stage
C. 25% at basal + 50% at tillering + 25% at panicle emergence stage D. 50% at basal + 25% at tillering + 25% at panicle emergence

25.  80Kg N, 40kg P2O5 and 100 Kg K2 O; then the grade of this mixture will be :
A. 20-10-10 B. 8?4-10
C. 8?4-20 D. 10?4-10

26.  Sugars present in DNA and RNA respectively are:
A. Glucose and Fructose B. Deoxyribose and Ribose
C. Galactose and Raffinose D. Erythrose and Starchyos

27.  A 50 sq. m. plot is to be given an irrigation of 6 cm. depth. The total water requirement will be:
A. 300 liters B. 3,000 liters
C. 30,000 liters D. 3,00,000 liters

28.  A balanced diet is:
A. The food that is rich in vitamins B. The food that suppliies all the essential nutrients in amounts that meet our nutritional needs
C. The food that provides the energy to maintain the body at its normal temperature D. All of the above

29.  A character determined by a gene present on X-chromosome is called:
A. Sex linked character B. Sex-limited character
C. Sex-influenced character D. Hollandric character

30.  A chromosome, which differs either in number or in morphology between male and female of a species, is known as:
A. Autosome B. Sex chromosome
C. Accessory chromosome D. Homologous chromosome

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