CSS :: General Agriculture
For students in search of
- Hydroponic Gardening
Guides - Basics to Experts level
Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
271. |
Guava plants bear fruits on: |
A. |
Current seasonal growth |
B. |
Spurs |
C. |
Canes |
D. |
Matured hoots |
Answer: Option A
272. |
Haemorrhiagic septicemia disese is caused by: |
A. |
Virus |
B. |
Streptococcus bovis |
C. |
Clastridium septica |
D. |
Pasteurella boviseptica |
Answer: Option D
273. |
Haploids are having: |
A. |
Somatic chromosome number |
B. |
Small chromosomes |
C. |
Very long chromosomes |
D. |
Gametic chromosome number |
Answer: Option D
274. |
Helithis armigera is: |
A. |
Monophagous |
B. |
Oligophagous |
C. |
Polyphagous |
D. |
Saprophyte |
Answer: Option C
275. |
Heterosis can be easily fixed in: |
A. |
Self pollinated crops |
B. |
Cross pollinated crops |
C. |
Apomictic crops |
D. |
Cleistogamaus crops |
Answer: Option C
276. |
High salt concentration in the medium surrounding germinating seeds inhibits germination due to: |
A. |
Poisioning of plasma membrane |
B. |
Increased carbon-dioxide availability |
C. |
Lack of oxygen |
D. |
Exosmosis |
Answer: Option D
277. |
Higher doses of nitrogenous fertilizers are known to accentuate the population growth in: |
A. |
Heliothis armigera |
B. |
Pyrilla ssp |
C. |
Chilo partellus |
D. |
Earias spp |
Answer: Option B
278. |
Highest milk producing dairy breed of Pakistan is: |
A. |
Sahiwal |
B. |
Multan |
C. |
Sialkot |
D. |
Lahore |
Answer: Option A
279. |
Which one is used for primary tillage? |
A. |
Hand Hoe |
B. |
Deshi plough |
C. |
Mould board plough |
D. |
Blade harrow |
Answer: Option C
280. |
Hormone secreted by corpus luteum is: |
A. |
Oestrogen |
B. |
Progesterone |
C. |
Epinephrine |
D. |
Prostaglandin |
Answer: Option B
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