CSS :: General Agriculture

For students in search of

  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
271.  Guava plants bear fruits on:
A. Current seasonal growth B. Spurs
C. Canes D. Matured hoots

272.  Haemorrhiagic septicemia disese is caused by:
A. Virus B. Streptococcus bovis
C. Clastridium septica D. Pasteurella boviseptica

273.  Haploids are having:
A. Somatic chromosome number B. Small chromosomes
C. Very long chromosomes D. Gametic chromosome number

274.  Helithis armigera is:
A. Monophagous B. Oligophagous
C. Polyphagous D. Saprophyte

275.  Heterosis can be easily fixed in:
A. Self pollinated crops B. Cross pollinated crops
C. Apomictic crops D. Cleistogamaus crops

276.  High salt concentration in the medium surrounding germinating seeds inhibits germination due to:
A. Poisioning of plasma membrane B. Increased carbon-dioxide availability
C. Lack of oxygen D. Exosmosis

277.  Higher doses of nitrogenous fertilizers are known to accentuate the population growth in:
A. Heliothis armigera B. Pyrilla ssp
C. Chilo partellus D. Earias spp

278.  Highest milk producing dairy breed of Pakistan is:
A. Sahiwal B. Multan
C. Sialkot D. Lahore

279.  Which one is used for primary tillage?
A. Hand Hoe B. Deshi plough
C. Mould board plough D. Blade harrow

280.  Hormone secreted by corpus luteum is:
A. Oestrogen B. Progesterone
C. Epinephrine D. Prostaglandin

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