CSS :: General Agriculture

For students in search of

  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
221.  Examples of cytokinin are:
A. KCN and NAA B. GA and 2, 4, 5-T
C. BA and Kn D. AMP and GTP

222.  Exanthema disese is caused due to deficiency of:
A. Copper B. Zinc
C. Boron D. None of the above

223.  Which one of the following factor is responsible for higher yield under protected cultivation?
A. High photosynthetic efficiency B. High O2 availability
C. High temperature D. All of the above

224.  Exchange of homologous segment of chromatin between homologous chromosomes is known as:
A. Linkage B. Segregation
C. Crossing over D. Repulsion

225.  Exhausting temperature of canned fruits and vegetables is:
A. 70 - 72?C B. 80 - 82?C
C. 90 - 92?C D. 100 - 102?C

226.  World Environment Day is celebrated on:
A. 5-May B. 5-Jun
C. 5-Jul D. 5-Aug

227.  Extension is:
A. Helping people to help themselves B. Helping people who help other
C. Helping people who help himself D. Helping people who are helpless

228.  Factor, which affects the dormancy of seed:
A. Dormant embryo B. Rudimentary embryo
C. Germination inhibitor D. All of the above factors

229.  False smut of rice pathogen is placed in the family:
A. Clavicipitaceae B. Tilletiaceae
C. Ustilaginacae D. Dematiaceae

230.  Farm management is an:
A. Intra-farm science B. Inter-farm science
C. Inter regional farm science D. International farm science

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