CSS :: General Agriculture

For students in search of

  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
201.  During Prophase-I of meiosis, chiasma formation occurs during:
A. Leptotene B. Zygotene
C. Pachytene D. Diplotene

202.  EDCT mixture is:
A. Attractant B. Fumigant
C. Repellant D. Antifeedant

203.  Ear cockle disease of wheat is caused by:
A. Nematode B. Fungus
C. Protozoa D. All of the above

204.  Economically Relevant Zone according to law of diminishing return it:
A. Zone-I B. Zone-II
C. Zone-III D. None of these

205.  "Economics is a science of wealth" this definition is given by:
A. J.K. Mehta B. Marshall
C. Robbins D. Adam Smith

206.  EDCT mixture is effective against:
A. Storage pests B. Fruit crop pests
C. Vegetable crop pests D. Field crop pests

207.  Edible banana fruit is seedless because of:
A. Embryo abortion B. Absence of ovule
C. Vegetative parthenocarpy D. Stimulated parthenocarpy

208.  Edible banana is:
A. Diploid B. Triploid
C. Tetraploid D. None of these

209.  Effect of one gene on the phenotypic expression of another non-allelic gene is called:
A. Dominance B. Epistasis
C. Linkage D. Penetrance

210.  Embryo culture is helpful in:
A. Recovery of distance hybrids B. Propagation of orchards
C. Shortening the breeding cycle D. All of the above

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