CSS :: General Agriculture

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  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
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141.  Calvin selected the green algae particularly adapted to studies dealing with the assimilation of CO2 are:
A. Chlorella and Tropacolum B. Chlorella only
C. Chlorella and Scenedesmus D. Elodea and Chlorella

142.  Cane killer weed of sugarcane crop is the name of:
A. A weed B. An insect
C. A disease D. None of them

143.  Carbon dioxide content in soil air is:
A. 0.03% B. 0.00%
C. 0.25% D. 0.50%

144.  Carotenoids:
A. Are source of vitamin A B. Protect against photo-oxidation
C. Absorb and transfer light energy to chlorophyll 'a' D. All of the above

145.  Cat face is a physiological disorder of:
A. Cauliflower B. Chillies
C. Tomato D. Potato

146.  Cation exchange capacity of soil is expressed as:
A. Percentage B. Parts per million
C. Millequivalent per 100 gm D. Milligram per 100 gm

147.  Cattle semen is frozen and stored for long periods in liquid nitrogen at temperature:
A. ?5?C B. ?79?C
C. ?135?C D. ?196?C

148.  Cause of deterioration of variety is:
A. Mendelian variation only B. Mutation only
C. Mechanical mixture only D. All of the above

149.  Certified seed is produced from:
A. Foundation seed B. Registered seed
C. Certified seed D. All of the above

150.  Characteristic of informal gardening:
A. Uneven ground can be used B. It is study of space relation
C. Least dominated by rules D. All of the above

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