CSS :: General Agriculture

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  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
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  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
131.  Bulk population breeding is suitable for:
A. Fruit crops B. Vegetable crops
C. Small grain crops D. Flower crops

132.  Bunchy top in sugarcane is caused by:
A. Root borer B. Stock borer
C. Internode borer D. Top shoot borer

133.  By means of 'Bulbils' which of the following crop is propagated?
A. Rose B. Garlic
C. Lemon D. Sugarcane

134.  By which of the following method of raising seedlings of rice, we can get the ready seedling in early time?
A. Dapog method B. Dry bed method
C. Wet bed method D. None of the above

135.  Which one of the following is a monocot vegetable?
A. Radish B. Spinach beet
C. Garlic D. Pointed gourd

136.  C:N ratio for rapid decomposition is:
A. 30 B. 35
C. 40 D. 50

137.  C:N ratio of orgaic matter is:
A. 1 to 10 B. 1 to 20
C. 10 to 1 D. 20 to 1

138.  Which one of the following fruits is rich in vitamin A?
A. Aonla B. Litchi
C. Banana D. Mango

139.  Cabbage is cross-pollinated owing to:
A. Floral morphology B. Protandry
C. Protogyny D. Self-incompatibility

140.  Cajanus cajon belongs to family:
A. Composite B. Euphorbiacea
C. Leguminoceae D. Cruciferae

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