CSS :: General Agriculture
For students in search of
- Hydroponic Gardening
Guides - Basics to Experts level
Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
131. |
Bulk population breeding is suitable for: |
A. |
Fruit crops |
B. |
Vegetable crops |
C. |
Small grain crops |
D. |
Flower crops |
Answer: Option C
132. |
Bunchy top in sugarcane is caused by: |
A. |
Root borer |
B. |
Stock borer |
C. |
Internode borer |
D. |
Top shoot borer |
Answer: Option D
133. |
By means of 'Bulbils' which of the following crop is propagated? |
Answer: Option B
134. |
By which of the following method of raising seedlings of rice, we can get the ready seedling in early time? |
A. |
Dapog method |
B. |
Dry bed method |
C. |
Wet bed method |
D. |
None of the above |
Answer: Option A
135. |
Which one of the following is a monocot vegetable? |
A. |
Radish |
B. |
Spinach beet |
C. |
Garlic |
D. |
Pointed gourd |
Answer: Option C
136. |
C:N ratio for rapid decomposition is: |
Answer: Option C
137. |
C:N ratio of orgaic matter is: |
A. |
1 to 10 |
B. |
1 to 20 |
C. |
10 to 1 |
D. |
20 to 1 |
Answer: Option C
138. |
Which one of the following fruits is rich in vitamin A? |
Answer: Option D
139. |
Cabbage is cross-pollinated owing to: |
A. |
Floral morphology |
B. |
Protandry |
C. |
Protogyny |
D. |
Self-incompatibility |
Answer: Option D
140. |
Cajanus cajon belongs to family: |
A. |
Composite |
B. |
Euphorbiacea |
C. |
Leguminoceae |
D. |
Cruciferae |
Answer: Option C
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