CSS :: General Agriculture

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91.  As the oxygen concentration increases from zero, the rate of aerobic respiration:
A. Decreases B. Stops
C. Hydrogen bonds D. De-oxyribose

92.  Which one of the following is a warm season vegetable?
A. Okra B. Pea
C. Cabbage D. Turnip

93.  At higher pH, the availability of molybdenum is _____ in soils:
A. Lower B. Lowest
C. Higher D. Not affected

94.  At molecular level mutation represents a change in:
A. Base-pair sequence B. Phosphate-sugar backbone
C. Hydrogen bonds D. Deoxy-ribose

95.  At what pH value, phosphate availability is the highest in the soil?
A. 5.5 B. 6.5
C. 7.5 D. 8.5

96.  ATP and NADPH are produced on the stroma side surface of the:
A. Thylakoid B. Granum
C. Membrane D. None of above

97.  Auxin is:
A. An enzyme B. A vitamin
C. A hormone D. A protein

98.  Auxins:
A. Induce elongation in shoot cells B. Resemble indole-3-acetic acid in physiological action
C. Are generally acids with an unsaturated cyclic nucleus D. All of the above

99.  Availability of phosphorous is ______ in acidic soils:
A. Lesser B. More
C. Maximum D. Equal

100.  Available water is:
A. Field capacity minus wilting point B. Wilting point minus Oven dry weight
C. Field capacity minus Hygroscopic coefficient D. Percent water present minus Field capacity

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