CSS :: General Agriculture

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  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
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  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
1.  Percentage of protein in fish is:
A. Less than 30 B. 30 - 35
C. 35 - 40 D. Above 40

2.  (A x B) x C is:
A. Single cross B. Double cross
C. Three way cross D. Top cross

3.  ______ is gram-positive:
A. Xanthomonas B. Corynebacterium
C. Pseudomonas D. Erwinia

4.  _______ convert nitrite (NO2) compounds into nitrates (NO3):
A. Nitrobacter B. Nitrosomonas
C. Rhizobium D. Azotobacter

5.  _______ converts ammonia into nitrite:
A. Nitrobacter B. Nitrosomonas
C. Rhizobium D. Azotobacter

6.  _______ the physical methods used for controlling nematodes:
A. Heat B. Radiation
C. Osmotic pressure D. All of the above

7.  Alley cropping' means:
A. Growing of pastures in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees B. Growing of field crops in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees
C. Growing of only short duration crops in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees D. Growing of only fooder crops in between two widely spaced rows of first growing trees

8.  Which one of the following statement is correct?
A. Blue green algae fix 20-30 kg N/ha in a rice field B. Blue green algae fix 40-50 kg N/ha in a rice field
C. Blue green algae fix 8-10 kg N/ha in a rice field D. Blue green algae fix 60-70 kg N/ha in a rice field

9.  Ascent of cell sap' from root to the treetop is exercised by:
A. Phloem B. Xylem
C. Cambium cell D. Lanticles

10.  Which one of the following seed rate (kg/ha) is not correctly matched with crop?
A. Wheat = 100 B. Urd = 20
C. Maize = 18 D. Mustard = 20

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