CSS :: Entomology

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71.  In grasshopper, the number of spiracles is:
A. 8 pairs B. 10 pairs
C. 6 pairs D. 12 pairs

72.  In honey bees, when the larvae are fed on regular diet of pollen and honey, which cast is produced:
A. Queen B. Drones
C. Workers D. All of the above

73.  In Hymenoptera the first abdominal segment, which is fused with the metathorax, is called:
A. Cornical B. Epiproct
C. Propodium D. Gaster

74.  Hopper burn' appears in:
A. Wheat B. Sugarcane
C. Sorghum D. Rice

75.  In leucerne resistance to spotted aphid is associated with:
A. Low sinigrin in leaves B. High silica contents in leaves
C. High MBAO contents in leaves D. High saponin in leaves

76.  In order to be most effective control measures aimed at killing an insect-pest should be directed to attack:
A. Egg B. Pupae
C. Grub D. Adult

77.  In organophosphate insecticide poisoning the muscarinic effects result in:
A. Anorexia B. Nausea
C. Bradycardia D. All of the above

78.  In physiological considerations the resistance to in insecticides may be developed due to:
A. Conversion of toxicant to non-toxic metabolites B. Excretion of toxicant
C. Storage of the toxicant D. All of the above

79.  In siphoning type of mouth parts proboscis is composed of:
A. Galeae B. Lacinia
C. Mentum D. Labial palp

80.  In solid cone nozzle the solid cone of liquid is formed due to:
A. Bigger size of the organic plate B. Bigger size of the organic plate
C. Central hole of swirl plate D. Small size of the strainer

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