CSS :: Entomology

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51.  Fully recovered patient may develop full-grown symptoms of poisoning as long as a month after the initial poisoning in the case of:
C. Aldrin D. Heptachlor

52.  Give the name of a family of order Hymenoptera which include crop pests:
A. Tenthredinidae B. Ichneumonidae
C. Braconidae D. Apidae

53.  Giving complete coverage to one-hectare crop more than 250 liters of liquid is called:
A. Low volume spray B. Very low volume spray
C. Medium volume spray D. High volume spray

54.  Giving complete coverage to one hectare of crop by spraying 60 to 250 litres of liiquids, is known as:
A. Low volume spray B. Very low volume spray
C. Medium volume spray D. High volume spray

55.  Glycerophosphate shuttle is found in:
A. Sense organs B. Fat dobies
C. Flight muscles D. Pharyngeal muscles

56.  Gram pod border feeds or the following crop:
A. Gram B. Variety of crops
C. Tomato D. Cotton

57.  Grassy cut worm of groundnut can be controlled by:
A. Aldrin B. Endrin
C. Lime sulphur D. None of these

58.  Green Commandos is:
A. Heterohobditis B. Steinemama
C. Neoplectana D. Howardula

59.  Green house, white fly can be controlled by:
A. Apanteles erionotae B. Encarsia formosa
C. Both of them D. None of them

60.  Gughia weevil is a pest of:
A. Paddy B. Wheat
C. Jowar D. Maize

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