CSS :: Entomology

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41.  Economic threshold level is always:
A. Lower than economic injury level (EIL) B. Equal to EIL
C. More than EIL D. Reached when severe damage is done

42.  White ear-head in paddy is caused by:
A. Gall fly B. Green leafhopper
C. Yellow stem borer D. Stink bug

43.  Which type of special reproduction is found in aphid?
A. Polyembryong B. Paedogenesis
C. Parthenogenesis D. Viviparity

44.  Factor on which penetration of insecticide through insect cuticle does not depend:
A. Thickness of the cuticle B. Chemical nature of the cuticle
C. Components of the cuticle D. Nature of the carriers and solvents

45.  Feeding in insects can be checked by the use of:
A. Hormone B. Pheromone
C. Freeding deterent D. Antibiosis

46.  First insect-fossil was found in:
A. England B. Scotland
C. Russia D. USA

47.  Which term is used for the movement of coax towards the body?
A. Protraction B. Promotion
C. Adduction D. Abduction

48.  For the fumigation of rat burrows the fumigant required is:
A. EDCT mixture B. Methyl bromide
C. Aluminium phosphide D. Chloropicrin

49.  Fore-gut is lined internally by:
A. Peritrophic membrane B. Epithelial membrane
C. Intima D. Taenidia

50.  Fossil records indicate that insect evolved during:
A. Cambrian period B. Devonian period
C. Silurian period D. Precambrian period

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