CSS :: Entomology

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341.  Which of the following part of sprayer breaks the spray liquid into fine droplets?
A. Nozzle B. Agitator
C. Pump D. None of these

342.  Which of the following pest belongs to family?
A. Sitophilus oryzae B. Trogoderma granarium
C. Tribolium casteneum D. Latheticus oryzae

343.  Which of the following psticides may act as cantact poisons, stomach poisons and fumigants?
A. B.H.C. B. D.D.T.
C. Malathion D. All of the above

344.  Which of the following pests attack maize crop?
A. Jassid B. Stem borer
C. Grassy cut worm D. None of these

345.  Which of the following pests attack on brinjal?
A. Shoot and stem borer B. Stem fly
C. Cabbage borer D. All of these

346.  Which of the following predator does not belong to order Coleoptera?
A. Chilomenes B. Coccinella
C. Scymnus D. Syrphus

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