CSS :: Entomology

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331.  Which of the following is the European species?
A. Apis dorsoto B. Apis indica
C. Apis mellifera D. Apis florea

332.  Which of the following is the pest of apple?
A. Sylepta lunalis B. Nodostoma subcostalum
C. Cydia hemidoxa D. Eriosoma lanigerum

333.  Which of the following is the pest of grapevine?
A. Phyllocnistris citella B. Phytomyza atricomis
C. Cydia hemidoxa D. Scelodonata strigicollis

334.  Which of the following muscles are directly attached to wing?
A. Dorsal muscles B. Axillary muscles
C. Basalar muscles D. None of these

335.  Which of the following order comprises parasitic insects?
A. Hemiptera B. Phasmida
C. Thysanoptera D. Lepidoptera

336.  Which of the following order comprises phytophagous insects?
A. Odonata B. Siphonoptera
C. Phasmida D. Mallophaga

337.  Which of the following order comprises predaceous insects?
A. Phasmida B. Neuroptera
C. Isoptera D. Lepidoptera

338.  Which of the following organism is not storage pest?
A. Rodents B. Nematodes
C. Bacteria D. Fungi

339.  Which of the following organs are involved in excretion?
A. Malpighian tubules B. Integument
C. Wall of the alimentary canal D. All of the above

340.  Which of the following parasites that attacks plants are useful to their hosts?
A. Root nodule bacterium B. Root knot nematode
C. Rice plant fungus D. Rust fungi

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