CSS :: Entomology

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311.  Which of the following combination is not antagonistic?
A. Malathion + Parathion B. Parathion + Azinphosmithyl
C. Demeton + Trichlorphon D. Carbaryl + Seasmex

312.  Which of the following cotton pest belongs to family Pyrrhocoridae?
A. Dysdercus signulatus B. Pectinophora gossypiella
C. Earias fabia D. Bamisia tabaci

313.  Which of the following does not belong to order Lepidoptera?
A. Groundnut leaf miner B. Citrus leaf miner
C. Pea leaf miner D. None of the above

314.  Which of the following insecticide controls the white grubs effectively in the soil?
A. BHC 10% dust B. Phorate 10% G
C. Atdicarb 10% G D. Quinalphos 5% G

315.  Which of the following Insects are migratory in nature?
A. Danaus B. Aphids
C. Locusts D. All of the above

316.  Which of the following is abdominal appendage?
A. Gonopore B. Cerci
C. Waist D. Apophysis

317.  Which of the following is called "water scorpion"?
A. Belostoma B. Nepa
C. Corixa D. Notonecta

318.  Which of the following is cross vein?
A. Costa B. Tegula
C. Scutum D. Phragmata

319.  Which of the following is larval parasitoid?
A. Xanthopimpla B. Tetrastichus
C. Apanteles D. None of the above

320.  Which of the following is larval-pupal parasitoid?
A. Campoletis B. Apanteles
C. Exorista D. Carcelia

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