CSS :: Entomology

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301.  Which of following insect infests the grains in the field and then comes to storage?
A. Ephestia cautella B. Tribolium castaneum
C. Sitotroga cerealella D. All of the above

302.  Which of the following produces more lac and is important for commercial production?
A. Male B. Female
C. Nymph D. All of the above

303.  Which of the fly is pest of cotton?
A. Fruit fly B. White fly
C. Stem fly D. Sawfly

304.  Which of the following fungi is predecious on nematodes?
A. Didymella sp. B. Dactytaria sp.
C. Both of them D. None of them

305.  Which of the following aphid feeds on pulses?
A. Rhopalosiphum maidis B. Aphis craccivora
C. Myzus persicae D. Lipaphis erysimi

306.  Which of the following are agricultural pests?
A. Sparrow, grasshopper, fungi, bacteria B. Vultures, Cranes
C. Man D. Mangoose

307.  Which of the following are not haemocytes?
A. Plasmocytes B. Cytocytes
C. Nephrocytes D. Coagulocytes

308.  Which of the following are systemeic fungicides?
A. Vita vax B. Benlate
C. Brestanol D. All of these

309.  Which of the following bug is a pest of brinjal?
A. Painted bug B. Plant bug
C. Lace bug D. Stink bug

310.  Which of the following chemical is used as fumigant against insect pests of stored food grains?
A. D.D.T. B. Methyl bromide
C. Pyrethrin D. All of the above

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