CSS :: Entomology

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291.  Which insecticide has systemic action?
A. Endosulfan B. Chlorpyiphos
C. Methyldemeton D. Diazinon

292.  Which insecticide is more persistent in the environment?
A. Parathion B. Aldrin

293.  Which insecticide is stored in the fat of animals?
A. Malathion B. DDT
C. Lindane D. Endosulfan

294.  Which insecticide should be used on vegetables safely before harvesting?
A. Lindane B. Endosulfan
C. Malathion D. Carbaryl

295.  Which is the best suiting species for bee culture?
A. Apis dorsata B. Apis florea
C. Apis indica D. Milipona sp.

296.  Which is the larvicidal fish?
A. Gambusia sp. B. Barbus sp.
C. Labeo sp. D. Catle sp.

297.  Which is the international insect pest?
A. Healiothis armigera B. Amsacta moorei
C. Schistocerca gregaria D. Holotrichia consanguinea

298.  Which of the following spray pump is used for low volume spraying?
A. Pneumatic pump B. Piston pump
C. Gear type rotary pump D. None of these

299.  Which of Entomophthora species is pathogenic to aphids?
A. E. grylli B. E. coronata
C. E. sphasperma D. None of the above

300.  Which of following combination is synergistic?
A. Carbaryl + Piperonylbutoxide B. Malathion + Piperonylbutoxide
C. Methyl parathion + piperonylbutoxide D. Diazinon + Iperonylbutoxide

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