CSS :: Entomology

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21.  Blood-porphyrinuria is due to accumulation of porphyrin in the :
A. Prothoracic glands B. Labial glands
C. Salivary glands D. Lachrymal glands

22.  Whorl application of granulr insecticide provides effective control measure against:
A. Spotted bollworm B. Maize stem borer
C. Stem borer paddy D. Mango stem borer

23.  Burgundy mixture contains:
A. Copper sulphate and lime B. Copper sulphate, sodium carbonate and water
C. Copper suolphate, gypsum and water D. None of these

24.  By radioactive carbon method the age of the fossil can be determined upto:
A. 10,000 years B. 15,000 years
C. 20,000 years D. 25,000 years

25.  By the introduction of chlorine in 3 position of methyl parathion aromatic radical, the insecticide obtained is:
A. Ethyl parathion B. Malathion
C. Chlorthion D. Fenitrothion

26.  Cane killing weed (Striga sp.) in sugarcane is:
A. A wed B. A pest
C. A disease D. None of these

27.  Carbon disulphide control:
A. Nematodes B. Fusarium
C. Virus D. All of these

28.  Classification of phylum mollusca is based on:
A. Locomotory organs B. Respiratory organs
C. Digestive organs D. Reproductive organs

29.  Cotton Jassid can be controlled by:
A. DDT B. Aldrex
C. Copper Sulphide D. Hone of these

30.  Cotton stainer is:
A. Pectinophora B. Ephinophora
C. Ephestia D. Dytiscus

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