CSS :: Entomology

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281.  Use of resistant varieties constitutes method of:
A. Genetic control B. Self control
C. Biotic control D. Natural control

282.  Vegetables treated with B.H.C. are unfit for use for:
A. Two weeks B. One week
C. One month D. Two months

283.  Vertical resistance is also called:
A. Oligogenic B. Specific
C. Monogenic D. All of the above

284.  When I meso, metathoracic and 8 abdominal spiracles are functional, the respiratory system is:
A. Holopheustic B. Peripneustic
C. Hemipneustic D. Metaneustic

285.  Which of the following spray pump is used for medium volume spraying?
A. Roller vane rotary pump B. Gear type rotary pump
C. Plunger pump D. All of the above

286.  Where the nector is converted into honey?
A. In the alimentary canal of queem B. In the alimentary canal of worker
C. In royal chamber D. In special cells of the hive

287.  Which animal acts as natural tiller of soil?
A. Termite B. Earthworm
C. Snake D. Millipede

288.  Which group of insecticide is carcenogenic?
A. Organophosphates B. Carbamates
C. Synthetic pyrethroids D. Fumigants

289.  Which insecticide belongs to synthetic pyrethroid group?
A. Pyrethrum B. Cypermethrin
C. Rotenone D. Sabadilla

290.  Which insecticide has contact and fumigant action?
A. Phosphamidon B. Diazinon
C. Lindane D. Endosulfan

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