CSS :: Entomology

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271.  The type of parthenogenesis where only males are produced is:
A. Arrhenotody B. Thelytoky
C. Amphitoky D. None of the above

272.  The ultimate control through biotic agencies is expected after:
A. One generation B. Two generations
C. Three generations D. More than three generations

273.  The virus used successfully for the control of caterpillars of gram pod borer is:
C. Granulosis virus D. NPV

274.  The wings of butterfly and birds are:
A. Homologous organs B. Analogous organs
C. Vestigial organs D. Circulatory organs

275.  Token stimuli theory was postulated by:
A. Throsteinson B. House
C. Painter D. Fraenkel

276.  Tomato leaf curl virus is transmitted by:
A. Aphid B. Whitefly
C. Grasshopper D. Butterfly

277.  Tree banding is useful for the control of:
A. Mango hopper B. Bark eating caterpiller
C. Mango mealy bug D. Mango stem borer

278.  Trenching is recommended for the control of either of these:
A. White grub bettle B. Maize stem borer
C. Red hairy caterpillar D. Army worm

279.  Triple action nozzle provides one of the following spray patterns:
A. Holo cone, flat fan, and Solid cone B. Holo cone and Jet
C. Holo cone, Solid cone and Jet D. Holo cone, Jet and Flat fan

280.  Ultra-low volume (ULV) or low volume concentration (LVC) refer to the use of spray volume (liquid) less than _____ litres:
A. 5 B. 7
C. 9 D. 11

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