CSS :: Entomology

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251.  The potential produced in the dendrite of the sense organ by depolarization is called:
A. Resting potential B. Receptor potential
C. Generator potential D. Action potential

252.  The process of post-ecdysial hardening and darkening of the cuticle is regulated by:
A. Ecdysone B. Juvenile hormone
C. PTTH D. Bursicon

253.  The prothoracicotropic hormone is secreted by:
A. Prothoracic glands B. Neurosecretory cells
C. Corpora allata D. Corpora cardiaca

254.  The quantity of endosulfa 35% EC required for treating an area, which needs 1000 litres of pray fluid at 0.05% (a.i.) strength is:
A. 35 x 0.05/1000 liters B. 2.5 x 1000/1000 liters
C. 1000 x 0.05/35 litres D. 35x100/0.05 litres

255.  The quantity of food grains in kg consumed by a single rat in a year is:
A. 5 B. 10
C. 15 D. 20

256.  The queen in the honey colony feeds on:
A. Royal jelly B. Nectar
C. Queen substance D. Honey

257.  The queen termite produces _____ eggs per second:
A. 40 B. 50
C. 60 D. 70

258.  The ration of zinc phosphide in poison bait for rats is:
A. 1% B. 2%
C. 3% D. 4%

259.  The re-absorption of water in insect takes place in:
A. Malpighian tubules B. Hepatic caecea
C. Rectal papillae D. Ventriculus

260.  The recommended dose of NPV for the control of Heliothis and Spodoptera under field conditions is:
A. 125 to 250 LE B. 250 to 500 LE
C. 500 to 700 LE D. 750 to 1000 LE

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