CSS :: Entomology

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241.  The nervous system of insect is derived from:
A. Ectoderm B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm D. Endoderm and mesoderm

242.  The nozzle in which the spray fluid is fed into the air stream within the nozzle and spitted into spray droplets bu the velocity of air is called:
A. Disc nozzle B. Annular nozzle
C. Shear nozzle D. Low volume nozzle

243.  The nozzle used for producing mist:
A. Blast nozzle B. Rotatory energy nozzle
C. Kinetic energy nozzle D. Annular nozzle

244.  The nozzle used to produce fog:
A. Gaseous energy nozzle B. Thermal energy nozzle
C. Cermon energy nozzle D. Kinetic energy nozzle

245.  The number of segments, which makes the insects head is:
A. 2 B. 3
C. 6 D. 8

246.  The ommitidia in which the Samper cells produce hard crystalline cone are called:
A. Acone B. Eucone
C. Pseudocone D. Exocone

247.  The origin of foregut is:
A. Ectodermal B. Mesodermal
C. Endomermal D. None of the above

248.  Which of the following structure is associated with the articulation of thhe wings?
A. Trochanter B. Tegula
C. Scutum D. Phragmata

249.  The paralysis of honeybees is caused by:
A. Bacteria B. Virus
C. Fungus D. Mycoplasma

250.  The population of fruit files takes place in:
A. Soil B. Rind of fruit
C. Stubbles in the field D. Plup of fruit

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