CSS :: Entomology

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211.  The first transformation with deltaendotoxin gene from Bt was done in Belgium in the year 1985 in:
A. Paddy B. Alfalfa
C. Tobacco D. Potato

212.  Which oil acts as a repellent for mosquitoes?
A. Linseed oil B. Cedar oil
C. Citronella oil D. Sesamum oil

213.  The following chemosterilant is widely used against insects:
A. Apholate B. Altozar
C. Altocid D. Gossyplure

214.  Coined the term 'Pest Management':
A. Geier B. Bartlett
C. Dr. Perry Akhisson D. Dr. Ray F. Smith

215.  The function of peritrophic membrane is:
A. Absorption B. Assimilation
C. Protection D. All of above

216.  Which of the toxicity creates widespread ecological problems?
A. Acute toxicity B. Dermal toxicity
C. Mammalian toxicity D. Chronic toxicity

217.  The grasshopper possesses:
A. Natatorial legs B. Foragiallegs
C. Saltatorial legs D. Ambulatorial legs

218.  The grinding of food in grasshopper is done by:
A. Mandibles B. Crop
C. Gizzard D. Midgut

219.  The grooming of a new queen in the hoeybee colony depends upon the secretion known as:
A. Royal jelly B. Queen substance
C. Sucrose D. Honey

220.  The incidence of "White grubs" is heavy in:
A. Heavily waterlogged fields B. Dry fields having sandy-loam soil
C. Dry fields of heavy clay woil D. Desert land having little vegetation

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