CSS :: Entomology

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201.  The exchange of gases in respiration in insects takes place through:
A. Spiracles B. Lungs
C. Book lungs D. Cuticle

202.  The female mosquitoes possess:
A. Filiform antennae B. Moniliform antennae
C. Plumose antennae D. Serrate antennae

203.  The fertilized female of Laccifer lacca lays eggs ranging from:
A. 100 to 200 B. 200 to 500
C. 500 to 700 D. Less than 100

204.  The fertilized female of mulberry silkworm lays _____ eggs within 2 hours:
A. 100 to 200 B. 200 - 300
C. 300 - 400 D. 400 - 500

205.  Which one of the following can be classified as hydraulic energy sprayer?
A. Knapsack mist blower B. Controlled drip applicator sprayer
C. Knapsack sprayer D. Wheel barrow sprayer

206.  In the first discovered protective insecticide was:
A. B.H.C. B. D.D.T.
C. Diazinon D. None of these

207.  The first edition of "Systema Nature" was published in:
A. 1725 B. 1735
C. 1750 D. 1763

208.  Which one of the following can be classified as autocidal technique of insect control?
A. Introduction of bio-agents B. Evolving resistant cultivars
C. Use of insect growth regulators D. Release of sterile males

209.  The first known example of biological pest control was use of yellow ants to control the wormy fruits of orange in:
A. Japan B. U.S.A.
C. China D. U.S.S.R.

210.  Which one is used for inoculation of host tree for lac cultivation?
A. Seed lac B. Brood lac
C. Phunki lac D. Eri lac

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