CSS :: Entomology

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191.  The damaging stage of cotton jassid is:
A. Caterpillar and Nymph B. Nymph
C. Caterpillar D. Nymph and Adult

192.  The damaging stage of cutworm is:
A. Caterpillar B. Nymph
C. Adult D. All of these

193.  The damaging stage of pink bollworm is:
A. Nymph B. Caterpillar
C. Adult D. Adult and Nymph

194.  The damaging stage of top borer is:
A. Caterpillar B. Nymph
C. Adult D. None of these

195.  The density of pest population at which control measures should be applied:

196.  The device fitted at the end of the spray-lane and is used for atomisation is:
A. Hose B. Cut-off device
C. Boom D. Nozzle

197.  The droplet size in normal high volume coarse spray is:
A. Less than 50 B. 50-100
C. 100-300 10 D. 400-1000

198.  The duration of locust plague period lsts for ______ years:
A. 2?3 B. 3?4
C. 5?10 D. 11?16

199.  Which one of the following equipments can be effectively used for spraying an orchard crop?
A. Barrel pump B. Sikar pump
C. Foot sprayer D. Heli sprayer

200.  The enzyme that attacks the P-S bond in malathion metabolism is:
A. Carboxyesterase B. Phosphates
C. Mixed function oxidase D. P - 450

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