CSS :: Entomology

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11.  Aphelinus mali has been a successful parasite in controlling:
A. Tobacco caterpiller B. Apple wolly aphis
C. Maize stem borer D. Sugarcane top borer

12.  Archnids and insects contain malpighian tubules as organs of:
A. Respiration B. Excretion
C. Digestion D. Secretion

13.  Alxillary sclerites are absent in:
A. Lepidoptera B. Coleoptera
C. Odonata D. Distyoptera

14.  Bacillus thurigiensis was reported by Berliner from:
A. Tribolium B. Heliothis
C. Ephestia D. Spodoptera

15.  Bacillus thuringiensis is most effective at pH:
A. 3 to 6 B. 9 to 10
C. 11 to 14 D. All of the above

16.  Wingless hexapod with 6 abdominal segments:
A. Diplura B. hysanura
C. Collembolad D. Protura

17.  Basic unit of classification is known:
A. Species B. Genus
C. Family D. Order

18.  Berlese's theory was proposed to explain the orign of:
A. Egg stage B. Larval stage
C. Pupal stage D. Abdult stage

19.  Bio-types of brown plant hopper are of:
A. 2 types B. 3 types
C. 4 types D. 5 types

20.  Black scale insect of citrus is controlled by:
A. Metaphycus loundsbury B. Rodolia cardinalis
C. Both of them D. None of them

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