CSS :: Entomology

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181.  Which one of the following insecticides is the most suitable for the control of gram pod borer?
A. BHC B. Aldrin
C. Endosulfan D. Dimethoate

182.  The branch of zoology, which deals wth the naming, and classification of animals is known as:
A. Taxonomy B. Binomics
C. Nomenclature D. Morphology

183.  The caterpillars of Indarbela qudarnotata feed and damage:
A. Fruits B. Leaves
C. Flowers D. Bark

184.  Which one of the following insecticides is capable of controlling mites as well?
A. Endosulfan B. Toxaphene
C. Cupermethrin D. Monocrotophos

185.  Which one of the following insect is a gregarious pest?
A. Sorghum shoot fly B. Spotted bollworm
C. Migratory locust D. Rice caseworm

186.  The chief excretory organ in insects is:
A. Malpighian tubules B. Green gland
C. Cuticle D. Fat body

187.  The colour of grasshoppers' blood is:
A. Red B. Blue
C. White D. Colourless

188.  The commodity totally banned for import:
A. Maize seeds B. Sunflower seeds
C. Groundnut seeds D. Sesame seeds

189.  The components required for the study of ecosystem are / is:
A. Abiotic and biotic B. Parasites and predators
C. Temperature and humidity D. Soil

190.  The control of caterpiller also done by:
A. Bacillus thuriengiensis B. Achromobacter spp
C. NPV D. All of these

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