CSS :: Entomology

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171.  The gland, which produces pheromone in queen honeybee:
A. Mandibular gland B. Maxillary gland
C. Labial gland D. Pharyngeal gland

172.  Which one of the following pests is controlled through the application of a grease band around the tree trunk?
A. Mango mealy bug B. Trunk borer of mango
C. Codling moth of apple D. Woodlly aphis of apple

173.  Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
A. Biological control-Cottony cushion scale B. Chemical control Maize stem borer
C. Cultural control - Locust D. Male sterilization technique - Screw wormfly

174.  The alimentary canal of insect is derived from:
A. Ectoderm B. Ectoderm and endoderm
C. Mesoderm and endoderm D. Ectoderm and mesoderm

175.  The antennae are the appandages of which neuromere:
A. Triocerebrum B. Deutocerebrum
C. Labial ganglion D. Protocerebrum

176.  Which one of the following insects has not much changed from it fossil records?
A. Butterfly B. Praying mantis
C. Cockroach D. Grasshopper

177.  The average locust swarm spreads over:
A. 5 square kilometers B. 10 square kilometers
C. 15 square kilometers D. 20 square kilometers

178.  The basis of antibiosis in corn against Heliothis zea is:
A. Nutritional imbalance B. Presence of growth inhibitor
C. Lethal silk factor D. Deficiency of nutrients

179.  The basis of antibiosis in corn against European corn borer is:
A. Nutritional imbalance B. Presence of growth inhibitors MBOA and DIMBOA
C. Presence of toxins D. Nutrition deficiency

180.  The best method of control stored grain pests is:
A. Fumigation B. Systemic insecticide
C. Proper drying and storage D. Biological agents

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