CSS :: Entomology

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161.  Severe incidence of red hairy caterpillar occurs under which one of the following sets of conditions?
A. High temperature and high soil moisture B. High temperature and low soil moisture
C. Low temperature and high soil temperature D. Low temperature and low soil moisture

162.  Small apterous insects, compound eyes reduced or absent ectoparasites of birds and mammals are included in:
A. Thysanoptera B. Hymenoptera
C. Mallophaga D. Strepsiptera

163.  Species of fossil-insects known:
A. More than 10,000 B. More than 20,000
C. Less than 5,000 D. Less than 1,000

164.  Stem borer and pink borer can be controlled by:
A. Thimet B. Dithane Z-78
C. Aldrin D. All of them

165.  Stick insects and leaf insects belong to the order:
A. Orthoptera B. Phasmida
C. Embioptera D. Dictyoptera

166.  Stored grain insect-pests can easily be controlled by maintaining temperature at:
A. 135?F B. 150?F
C. 165?F D. 120?F

167.  Stored grain pests can be killed by _____ hour exposure to 51.5-54.5?C.
A. 2 B. 3
C. 5 D. 7

168.  Sugarcane borer, which does not belong to family pyralidae:
A. Emmalocera depressella B. Chilo infuscatelus
C. Sesamia inferens D. Chilo auricilia

169.  Sugarcane leafhopper can be effectively controlled by the use of:
A. Malathion B. Lindane
C. Phosphilmidon D. Toxaphene

170.  Termite control can also be done by:
A. Tilling B. Clean cultivation
C. Irrigation D. Trap cropping

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