CSS :: Entomology

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151.  Phosdrin is a ______ insecticide:
A. Slow fumigant B. Systemic
C. Systemic plus contact D. Contact

152.  Piercing and sucking type of mouth parts are found in:
A. Grasshopper B. House fly
C. Aphids D. Beetles

153.  Plum moth and sphinx moth are the pests of:
A. Bengal gram B. Green gram
C. Black gram D. All of the above

154.  Pneumatic sprayers have been used in pest control for many years. A pneumatic sprayer:
A. Operates using wind or air B. Contains poisonous pesticide
C. Is a knapsack type sprayer D. Operates automatically

155.  Protein hydrolysate is used as an attractant for the control of:
A. Fruit fly B. White fly
C. Butterfly D. Sawfly

156.  Respiratory system in which 1 mesothoracic and 7 abdominal spiracles are functional is called:
A. Peripneustic B. Hemipneustic
C. Amphipneustic D. Metapneustic

157.  Rodentiside is used to kill:
A. Rats and mites B. Insects
C. Weed D. None of these

158.  Rodolia cardinalis has been successful in controlling:
A. Apple B. Cottony cushion scale
C. Sugarcane shoot borer D. Pink boll worm

159.  Sanjose scale is a pest of:
A. Almond and Apple B. Pear and Plum
C. Mango and Guava D. Banana and Papaya

160.  Scale insect of citrus are controlled by:
A. B.H.C. B. Boardaux mixture
C. Hydrocarbon oils D. D.D.T.

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