CSS :: Entomology

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131.  Nicotinic effects of organo-phosphatic insecticides results in:
A. Giddiness B. Stiffness of the neck
C. Ataxia D. None of the above

132.  Number of abdominal legs in the larvae of mustard saw fly:
A. 4 pairs B. 6 pairs
C. 8 pairs D. 10 pairs

133.  Number of insect species known :
A. About 50,000 B. About 1 million
C. About 1 million D. About 3 million

134.  Odontotermes obesus is the scientific name of:
A. Cutworm B. Termite
C. Shoot borer D. Top borer

135.  One kilometer of locust swarm weighs as much as ______ tonnes of locusts:
A. 100 B. 200
C. 300 D. 400

136.  Order Odanata includes:
A. May flies B. Dragon flies
C. Stone flies D. Shad flies

137.  Organisms, which damage man's property, including plants and agricultural produce causing damage of significant economic importance are called:
A. Pests B. Pathogens
C. Parasites D. Aliens

138.  Originally the phytophagous insects were:
A. Monophagous B. Oligophagous
C. Polyphagous D. All of the above

139.  Out of the following poisons which works as an antiicoagulant for the control of rats?
A. Zinc phosphide B. Strychmine
C. Warfarin D. Parathion

140.  Out of the following which is considered to be of agricultural importance:
A. Hydre sp B. Pheritima sp
C. Culex sp D. Hirudinea sp

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