CSS :: Entomology

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121.  Most of the insects have abdominal segments:
A. 6 to 7 B. 8 to 9
C. 10 to 11 D. 12 to 13

122.  Most of the insects possess:
A. One pairs of wings B. Two pairs of wings
C. Three pairs of wings D. No Wings

123.  Moulting fluid is able to digest:
A. Cement layer B. Cuticulin layer
C. Endocuticle D. Exocuticle

124.  Name the fumigant, which is used, for killing the insects in storage as well as for plant fumigation?
A. Ethylene dibromide B. Methyl bromide
C. Aluminum phosphide D. EDCT mixture

125.  Acricide is:
A. Pirmicarb B. Dicofol
C. Profenfos D. Sevidol

126.  Name the insect which can survive at higher temperature and low humidity?
A. Khapra beetle B. Rice weevil
C. Rust red flour beetle D. Angoumois grain moth

127.  Name the insect, which is known, as oligophagous pest:
A. Pink bollworm of cotton B. Brinjal fruit and shoot borer
C. Grass hopper D. Cabbage butterfly

128.  Name the insecticide, which is harmless to the honey bees:
A. B.H.C. B. Carbaryl
C. Endosulfan D. Permethrin

129.  Name the pest, which has an international status?
A. Pink bollworm of cotton B. Locust
C. White grub D. Army worm

130.  Name the pest, which has got thelytokous parthenogenesis in its life-cycle?
A. Grass hopper B. Aphid
C. White flies D. Thrips

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