CSS :: Entomology

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111.  Locust eats almost all vegetation except:
A. Calotropis procera B. Melia azadirach
C. Datura stramonium D. All of the above

112.  Maize stem borer hibernates in which stage?
A. Egg B. Larva
C. Pupa D. Adult

113.  Malathion is a ______ insecticide.
A. Slow fumigant B. Contact plus systemic
C. Contact plus stomach D. Systemic

114.  Which one of the following sprayers requires only one third of the quantity of water while keeping the same quantity of active ingredient of the pesticide per hectare?
A. Foot/Pedal sprayer B. Mist blower
C. Knapsack sprayer D. Rocking sprayer

115.  Metasystox is a:
A. Contact poison B. Systemic poison
C. Both (a) and (b) D. Fumigant

116.  Metasystox-R is a ______ insecticide.
A. Systemic B. Fumigant
C. Contact D. Contact-plus stomach

117.  Monocondylic single mandible is found in:
A. Hemiptera B. Thysanoptera
C. Hymenoptera D. Diptera

118.  Most of the insects excrete 80 to 90 per cent of their nitrogen waste in the form of:
A. Urea B. Uric acid
C. Ammonia D. Ammonium nitrate

119.  Most of the caterpillars have legs or abdominal legs on segments:
A. 2 to 5 and 10 B. 3 to 6 and 10
C. 6 to 10 D. 5 to 8 and 10

120.  Most of the insects cannot survive the temperatures above ______ .
A. 29.9 B. 39.9
C. 49.9 D. 59.9

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