CSS :: Entomology

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101.  Introduction of parasites, predators and/or pathogens of the pests into the environment to reduce the pest population constitute:
A. Biological control B. Autocidal control
C. Ecological control D. None of these

102.  Is a serious pest of Jowar and bajra?
A. Stem borer B. Midge
C. White borer D. All of these

103.  It has been estimated that insects had existed on this earth for at least _____ million years:
A. 100 B. 150
C. 200 D. 250

104.  Johnston's organ is located in most of pterygote insects in:
A. Second antennal segment B. Legs
C. Winks D. Maxilla

105.  Juvenile hormone is secreted by:
A. Thoracic glands B. Corpora allata
C. Carpora cardiaca D. Neurosecretary cells

106.  Ketone bodies are oxidized by:
A. Fat bodies B. Flight muscles
C. Testes D. All of the above

107.  Most of the soil fumigants are applied with:
A. Applicator B. Injector
C. Generator D. Despenser

108.  Which one of the following sprayers will cause more loss of spray droplets by drift?
A. Low volume sprayer B. High volume sprayer
C. Ultra low volume sprayer D. Duster

109.  Light trapping of insects is done in the:
A. Cultural methods B. Legal methods
C. Mechanical methods D. Preventive methods

110.  Light trap art used for the collection of:
A. Positively phototropic B. Negatively phototropic
C. Geotropic D. Hydrotropic

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