CSS :: Entomology

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91.  dasineura lini is pest of:
A. Castor B. Linseed
C. Seasamum D. Groundnut

92.  Insect haemocoel consists of the following sinuses. Choose the odd one:
A. Pericardial sinus B. Peritarcheal sinus
C. Perivisceral sinus D. Perineural sinus

93.  Insect haemolymph has no gas transport system except in:
A. Males of lac insect B. Chironomid larvae
C. Nephrocytes D. Coagulocytes

94.  Insect having prolegs in larval stage:
A. Thrips tabaci B. Athalia proxima
C. Dacus cuscurbitae D. Holotrichia consanguinea

95.  Insecticide having antagonistic effect with NPV:
A. DDT B. Aldrin
C. Endosulfan D. Malathion

96.  Insecticides approved for aerial spray:
A. Lindane 20 EC B. Malathion 50 EC
C. Phosphamidon 85 WSC D. All of the above

97.  Which one of the following sprayers would require the lowest volume of spray solution to cover a hectare of rice crop?
A. Power sprayer B. Foot sprayer
C. Knapsack sprayer D. Hand sprayer

98.  Insects feeding on plants of several genera within a family are called:
A. Phytophagous B. Polyphagous
C. Oligophagous D. Monophgous

99.  Integrated Pest Management (IPM) aims at:
A. Keeping pest populations below injurious levels B. Increasing natural enemies of the pest
C. Strengthening the host D. Billing the pests

100.  International Congress of Zoology (1901) advised that scientific names should be printed in:
A. Capital letters B. Small letters
C. Italics D. All of the above

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