General Knowledge :: Balochistan

11.  A deep sea port being built in Balochistan Province is _______ .
A. Pasni B. Ormara
C. Jiwani D. Gwadar

12.  Quetta was almost completely destroyed because of the great earthquake on ________.
A. 31st May, 1935 B. 19th May, 1935
C. 21st May, 1935 D. 30th May, 1935

13.  How many people were killed in Quetta in the earth quake?
A. 35,000 B. 34,000
C. 25,000 D. 38,000

14.  The Murdar Mountain is situated near __________ .
A. Ziarat B. Pishin
C. Quetta D. None of them

15.  Hanna Lake is located in __________ .
A. A J & K B. Balochistan

16.  The Quaid-e-Azam stayed during his last illness in 1948 in ________ .
A. Quetta B. Sibi
C. Ziarat D. Makran

17.  The highest railway station in Pakistan is _________.
A. Awaran B. Mastung
C. Kan Mehtarzai D. None of them

18.  The Muslimbagh is famous for __________ .
A. Chromite Mines B. Natural Gas
C. Copper D. Coal Mine

19.  Gomal Pass is situated near ___________ .
A. Sibi B. Zhob Valley
C. Quetta D. Chaman

20.  The Gomal Pass is one of the most important trade routes from subcontinent to ________ .
A. Central Asia B. Afghanistan
C. South Asia D. Iran

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