Entry Test MCQ :: Kingdom Monera

11.  Coccobacillus has a shape similar to
A. Diplobacillus B. Sarcina
C. Egg D. None of these

12.  The first bacterium isolated was
A. Coccus B. Bacillus
C. Vibrio D. Spirochete

13.  Which of the following bacteria are thick rigid and spiral?
A. Vibrio B. Spirillum
C. Spirochete D. Coccus

14.  A group of 8 cocci is called
A. Diplococci B. Octococci
C. Tetrad D. Sarcina

15.  Which of the following has a chain arrangement?
A. Streptobacillus B. Streptococci
C. Staphylococci D. Both A and B

16.  Which of the following bacteria do not have flagella commonly?
A. Cocci B. Bacilli
C. Streptobacilli D. Vibrio

17.  Flagella originate from
A. Cell membrane B. Cell wall
C. Capsule D. Basal body

18.  A bacterium with tuft of flagella at both poles is called
A. Lophotrichus B. Monotrichous
C. Peritrichous D. Amphitrichous

19.  Which of the following structure primarily helps in attachment of bacteria on various surfaces?
A. Flagella B. Pili
C. Both of these D. None of these

20.  Which of the following structure provides greater pathogenicity to the bacteria?
A. Capsule B. Slime
C. Cell Wall D. Cell membrane

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